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Step 1: Information Review

We will start making your road map by reviewing all of the evaluations and assessments that your child has had. A parent interview will also be conducted. This will allow a plan to be made based on your child's unique strengths, weaknesses, learning style and personality. Parents will be able to ask questions and seek clarification about results of evaluations and assessments and therapist will discuss what the results mean for the child and family. Specific goals for the child and family will be discussed based on the evaluations and assessments. 

Step 3: Creating a Home Care Plan

A home care plan is then created based off of the information from steps 1 and 2. This plan will lay out both long term and short term goals for the child as well as the family. Input from all involved will be used. The Home Care Plan can focus on areas such as motor skills, academics, life skills, family interactions, parent training, etc. The goal is to provide a step by step outline of specific, concrete actions which will help the child as well as the family continue to make developmental progress together. 

Step 2: Supports and Services  

Once specific goals have been laid out for the child and family, various supports and services such as therapies and educational options will be discussed. Pros and cons of each will be reviewed based on family circumstances. The family will be encouraged to interview and tour various service providers. Topics such as scheduling, finances, financial aid, and insurance will also be discussed to help make the best plan possible for each family. 

Step 4: Implementation and Progress Monitoring

Home Care Plans must be consistently monitored, with reflective feedback given to families on a timeline that helps to create accountability and support. Reviews of the plan will be scheduled regularly and changes made, if necessary. Meetings with the family will be held to decide the next course of action for further development and growth.

Consultation services are not only for families with a recently diagnosed child. These services can be for anyone who is needing guidance on the path for their child. Brighter Futures specializes in early childhood intervention, but can support families all the way through high school.

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